Thursday, September 27, 2007
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9:54 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Things I Don't Like To Hear
Hmnnn... sounds interesting. This is another tag from Francine. Let's see. I really can't think of things that I don't like to hear. Ok, let me jot down some things that i find rather "annoying" sometimes.
1. You're so fat already. (yes, i know that, you don't have to rub it in!)
2. You're always eating. (so? it's not your money i'm spending? this is much better than taking drugs u know? LOL!)
3. Why are you always writing in your blog? (ahh huh?!?? if you can't relate, don't ask us bloggers!)
4. You're so pink! (Pink kaau ka lan!) So what? I'm getting confused really. When i don't wear pink, all i hear would be "why are you not in pink?" If i wear pink, i hear from all the corners in the world "pink kaau ka!" Ano ba talaga kuya, ate?
5. Nilagum lagi ka? (Coz i travel a lot!? o bongga!) ahaha! Really, one afternoon, somebody looked at me with pure contempt and asked "hala, ngano man ka, ituma nimo oi!" ... i was like ahh ahmnn i went to the beach?...
6. And the very thing that i least like to hear are comments and unnecessary feedbacks from people who are just passive participants in any activity... kana gani daghan yawyaw unya dili raba mutabang? nindot na dapugun! heheh!
How about you? Do we share the same sentiments?
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11:42 PM
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Monday, September 24, 2007
pics at tops

We went to Paseo after and had coffee in Mr. Coffee to ease the coldness away.
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7:42 PM
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
i conquered Bohol! ;)

o walang kokontra, ako ning blog! :P
i will share more pictures later... :)
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11:35 PM
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10 Things I Hate
Here is another round of tag from Ms. France. Take a look at my answers. :)
1. Food
balut? (i don't hate it, i just don't have plans of eating it ;))
2. Fruits
durian (but i eat durian candies)
3. Veggies
4. People
5. Event/Situation/Incident
crowded noisy places
6. TV Shows/Movies
i can't think of one right now
7. Music
too noisy rock music (not sure of the proper term for this)
8. Household Chores
9. Things around the world
poverty, war, corruption, environmental degradation (i agree!)
10 . Things about myself
i hate my curly hair and my scars (talk about physical eh!) i'm basically good as a person (ahermnn! im not being arrogant! LOL!)
Thanks Francine. Everyone, feel free to grab this tag. :)
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11:27 PM
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
2 Things
A tag from my Ms. France, Francine :)
1. 2 things you always bring in your bag (aside from wallet)
- cellphone, umbrella
2. 2 tv shows/telenovelas you love to watch
- prison break, greys anatomy
3. 2 softdrinks you enjoyed drinking
- coke, pepsi
4. 2 magazines/books you love reading
- OK mag, fashion mags
5. 2 places/countries you love visiting or would love to visit
- anywhere europe, australia
6. 2 hobbies you enjoyed
- scrapbooking, webpublishing
7. 2 actors you would love to have a date
- Hugh Jackman, Wentworth Miller (too many of them but since u only ask for 2 hehe)
8. 2 websites you never failed to open everyday aside from email and your own blogs/site)
- as in everyday? none...
9. 2 fondest childhood memories
- a lot, my childhood was fun! playing takyan, eating bulgur and everything...
10. 2 scary incident/accident/instance that you will never forget
- naparok akong agtang sa lansang (see my agtang for evidence)
- a fire very close at home, puerte gyud nako kulbaa dagan2x ko balik sa amoa gikan sa iskuylahan...
Everyone, feel free to post your answers too. :)
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10:25 PM
Labels: tags
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Q1: What are you doing 10 years ago?
I was 19 then - a diligent engineering student and a working scholar. Hanging on to the responsibilities of being a student and working at the same time. Pretty tough life huh! but it was all worth it :)
Q2: What were you doing 1 year ago?
Doing the same stuff. I came in late at the office. 1:16pm.
Q3: What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
pastas, pizzas, pastries, chichiria, kakanins (puto, bingka, budbud, etc)
Q4: What are 5 songs you know the lyrics to?
Way Back Into Love
I Know by Yasmin Kurdi (preha ta chikai)
Ordinary World
And a lot more... i sing a lot just without the microphone ok? :P
Q5: 5 things you would do if you are a millionaire:
Say we are talking about lots of millions here, i would
donate to charities (or even have my own charitable institution)
build my dream house
travel the world
stop working! :P
Q6: 5 bad habits:
i tend to procastinate
i have a bad sleeping habit, that is sleeping very very late
i tend to worry too much about nonsense
i'm insecure about my lovehandles a.k.a. bilbils but do nothing about it.. hmmnn!
i'm assuming :P
Q7: 5 things you like to do:
movies and dining
hanging out with friends
Q8: 5 favorite toys:
teddy bears
headbands/clips (counted nih?)
burloloys (hasta nih?)
Q9: 5 things you would never wear:
t-back (murag feeling ko lapuslapus ang hangin anih! but i will wear this one time before i reach 30 hahaha!)
two-piece bikini - di keri sa akong powers pero i'll wear this one too one day! ;) kanang all the way gyud bah, walay lipud2x nga shorts :)
skimpy outfits - i mean they are cute and all but not to the extent that i'd look like a hooker!
body hugging attires - i've nothing to flaunt kasi hehe :P
Q10: 5 things you hate to do:
having to tell other people what to do when i know they know what to do
waking up early
ironing clothes
attending boring seminars
attending teleconferences (kapoi minaw mga puti magyawyaw pikas line)
Thanks for the tag Chikai. :)
Feel free to answer this tag too :)
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11:21 PM
Labels: tags
Thursday, September 6, 2007
my godchildren - 2
Let's recall the past... 3 years ago.
Me: Hi Joy! Musta naka? Bunyagan na imong anak?
Joy: Ok lang. Hoi bruha! asa man ka? oo gibunyagan na akong anak! ninang ka pero ngita ra ko ug proxy kay dili man ka macontact okoya ka...
Me: Kanus-a ra? Aw kay nilarga man gud ko.
Joy: wala lagi ka pahibalo?
Me: kay abeh nako kadali rako sa Michigan unya na-extend man ko. Dili magamit akong cellphone didto, wala nako kacontact nuun...
Joy: Okoya gyud nimo oi!
Me: Hehe! sagdi na lang gud!
So there, i was really one of her daughter's ninangs, only that i was not present during the christening ceremony.
I need to have a photo of Antonette yet! Geezz bad ninang! i don't even know her complete name. I remember she has two names. :P
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10:55 PM
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
interview and pizza
By the way, we had pizza for snacks this afternoon courtesy of the "balikbayans" from Michigan. (mellany, bio, ernie, garry?) thanks guys!
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11:28 PM
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my godchildren - 1
Gio. My first godson - the son of my cousin. He lives adjacent to our house so i have no escape during christmases when he demands for his gifts! hehe! He is 5 years old now. As a kid, the only question i normally hear from him is "La, (addressing to my mother), naay pan?" If there is bread, it will be followed by "naay palaman?"

he's the ring bearer
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11:13 PM
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
What Makes Me A Good Friend?
Well, I made a twist out of this tag. Instead of me contemplating on the above question. I asked a few friends to answer that question for me. Here are their unedited answers. :)
"ur enthusiasm. ü" - j.g.
"y lipud2x, kung gwapa ko muingon jud ka, kung dili napagaw tahay ka, heheh." - m.r.
"hala lisod lagi tubagon... because dli ka plastic..." - r.b.
"ma prinsipyo?" - m.l.
"approachable and nice to talk with.." - t.n.
its never really difficult to enumerate a lot of nice things about you ..
first, you're a good listener , always there ready to help ... numdum ko atong college pata lan nga you were always there to help me labi na katong naguba akong project sa computer ... maski bc ka ... naa gyud ka time for me ...
very thoughtful sad , you never failed to remember my birthday .. imu pa gali ko buhatan powerpoint ... gi keep pa gali to nako imung notes nako sa college .. promise! naa sa akong album... :-)
and thankful ko nga i have you as my friend ... luv u lan ... mwah :-)" - n.i.
"u knw wen to listen and wen to say a word...hehehe..ö" - a.s.
"u never 4get to txtback. ahahaha..." - m.y.
"what you see is what you get... no pretenses.. no feigning of emotions...can be trusted... doesn't divulge secrets even if we go into misunderstandings..." - w.v.
"bsan wa nata kitakits, still karemember lang gihapon ka nko, and I know same ra sauna, you're always there for me" - s.p.
"kay i feel me if magkuyug ta, no need pretentions..." - a.o.
How about you? What makes you a good friend? Post your answer/s too! :)
I wonder what could have been the answers if the question was changed to "What Makes Me A Bad Friend?"
THANKS to everyone for answering my question. Most of them are non-bloggers. (napressure siguro ni sila ug tubag ay! :P or gabinuang kay naa man pakapin haha or hehe! :P)
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7:52 PM
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earthquake drill
We also had the fire drill, i just failed to take photos.
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4:30 PM
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