1. Post the button in your blog.
2. Please link back the person that gave the button to you.
3. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
4. You need to pass the button to at least 4 people that you think are also divas in any way.
5. Come back here and leave your post url so you can be added to the master list and help increase our rankings.
6. Please add to the list below a reason why you love being online all the time.
Online Divas:
1. All Merging in the Path of My Life 2. My Big Picture 3. Walk on Red with Me 4. Supah MaMa Wannabe 5. The Stories of a Now SAHM 6. When Mom Speaks 7. Kathycot Cooking With a Twist 8. Me and Mine 9. Little Peanut 10. Pea in a Pod 11. All My Memories 12. Enchanted Play 13. I Am Mommy 14. My Happy Place 15. Living A’La Mode 16. A Slice of Life 17. Jenny Said So 18. Feels Like Home 19. Blessings in Life 20. My Life’s Rollercoaster Ride 21. On Touching and Saving Lives 22. Mind Bubbles 23. SAHMdom and Beyond 24. Jenny and Belle 25. Malditang bunso’s journal 26. My Views On My So Called Life 27. Bits and Pieces 28. Hailey’s Domain 29. Our Journey to Life 30. Permanence in Change 31. Blogsilog 32. Cherry’s Comfort Zone 33. Captured Memories 34. {Buzzy Me} 35. Wishing and Hoping 36. Thinking Out Loud 37. Sweet Serenity 38. Ylan's Refuge 39. Fun Under The Sun 40. Ylan's Upshots And Whatnots
Reasons why I am an Online Diva:
1. Litzie - It helps me pass time when I’m at work and don’t have any patient to attend to.
2. Kathycot - Because it serves as my past time plus it gives me moolah for my kapricho’s
3. Yen- It helps me do what I like and love after a long day.
4. Jacq - It connects me to friends all over the world. It gives me work and lets me shop to all my favorite stores without leaving my home.
5. Dzoi - Because I’m an Internet Junkie. I just love everything about the Internet. I can work from home, find clients all around the world, get updates on old friends and meet new people.
6. Cee - “Onlining/onlin-ing” gives me some ME time and Blogging makes me the Goddess of my web page.
7. JennyL - it connects me to other people online all over the world, and of course it gives me moolah na rin hehe.
8. Alpha - I need to go online or else my day will not be complete. It’s my outlet and I get to reconnect with old friends, meet new friends, shop a little and I get to earn, too.
9. Tere - I’m online coz it’s something I enjoy doing and gives me a chance to be rewarded with moolah and that helps in our finances and Gas-tric urges.
10. Marie - it’s what I love doing and I’m loving it!
11. Em - It’s the closest thing to home, it’s my therapy for my homesickness blues.
12. Jenny - I enjoy surfing the net, discovering new stuff, and ideas. Blogging made me new friends and is an additional source of income.
13. Jammy- Very entertaining and I love bloghopping. Makes me learn more about my new friends… plus it’s a good past time
15. Cheryll - I am an online diva because I am online most of the time devah?! Hahaha16. Tet -I can’t seem to survive the day without opening my laptop or blogging. It helps me lessen the stress and at the same time serves as an outlet to share about my life & family.
17. Hailey - I am me! when I am online, space is immaterial, and time is limitless!
18. Abie – I think I’m online almost everyday. It helps me get connected and get updated with my friends and relatives. It is also my way to pass time, to share my thoughts or just share anything about me, my life, and my family.
19. Happymum - Internet has given me answers to those questions that I can’t find answer from books or magazines. It has generated me extra income, gained more friends, created me hobbies, keep me in touch with my friends, retail therapy (at times when I’m checking out modern furniture and keep me sane when the going gets tough.
20. Chikai - Because I own and maintain lots of blogs!
21. Ylan - i find beauty in writing...
{end copying here}
I'm passing this award to Glorie, Miah, Tess and Irel.
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