Tuesday, September 2, 2008

world wide employees

Working in a big multinational company can be overwhelming and mind buggling at times. When there are organizational changes in the upper level, announcement is usually made through a broadcast mail to all the employees worldwide. Senders of this kind of emails are no lower than the vice presidents. It's just either the President or the various vice presidents of various offices/departments. This email will reach each and every employee that has the company email account.

I often wonder this. What would happen if by any chance i get to hit the wrong button and send an email to the World Wide Employees addy? Worst, a personal email at that? Or what would happen if i would just intentionally send an email to WWE? Perhaps, just for the sake of ending my wondering and getting some answers.

1. Will L*** fire me?
2. Will i undergo a one on one discussion with the HR Manager (probably question my integrity?) nor the IT Manager (abuse of company resource)?
3. Will the rest of the L*** employees think that i'm cool? or maybe fool?
4. Will the rest of the L*** employees read my email or plainly ignore it?
5. Will i become FAMOUS?

What do you think? :P


splat said...

mao nana panahona nga mo-ari na ka diri para motrabaho... hehehe

Ylan said...

splat - hehe wa na choice kay ikickout nako hehe!