I already mentioned that i have lots of files to burn yet. I have a gazillion of photos still from 2006 that needs backup. I was able to save some and it took me a couple of hours transferring the files to the PC with DVD writer. Later, i bought an 8GB flash drive and somehow, transferring of files was easier. Transferring via the network drive is not a wise thing to do. A couple of weekends ago, i already started looking for another flash drive. This time i'm looking of buying a portable harddisk. I scouted in the malls for sale items so i could get them at discounted prices. I was not pretty convinced with all that i saw so i tried browsing the net. Olalah! I think i just found one!

I want this external hard drive very badly! It's a Western Digital 750GB My Book Essential Edition USB 2.0 External Hard Drive for only $99.00. Wow! You know, i will be able to save $70.00 because the list price is $169.00. Plus shipping is free! Seriously, I want this! Can my Manita or Manito get this for me? This is really a great item. And i like the color. ;)

I want this external hard drive very badly! It's a Western Digital 750GB My Book Essential Edition USB 2.0 External Hard Drive for only $99.00. Wow! You know, i will be able to save $70.00 because the list price is $169.00. Plus shipping is free! Seriously, I want this! Can my Manita or Manito get this for me? This is really a great item. And i like the color. ;)
naa ko 160GB dala-dalaon nako sa work wink* pero lagi tago2x kay we are not allowed to bring one. 750GB unya 99$ basin mao na lang na akong pinaskohan since walay 24 dvd this year. hehehe.
Carlota - 160GB wow! sus ako mao pa pagpalit ug 8GB unya naa na diay available nga 750GB hehe.. seriously, ginahan ko mupalit ani.. gamit kaau ni sya dah...
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