Friday, November 14, 2008

weird dream

What are dreams? The dictionary defines it as a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep. Some say, it's the reflection of your subconscious. Dreams are the outcomes of what you think and fear or aspire. I have this dream when i was still a kid that until now i couldn't fathom whether it was real or was it just really an outcome of my flaky mind? I'm never into toys especially electronic toys. I don't even have dolls. I content myself from playing paperdolls. But i once dreamt of remote control helicopters flying around outside our windows. Seriously, until now, i still keep on thinking whether we had a kid neighbor who had such a great toy or was it just me dreaming of toys i can't have? But i wouldn't want a helicopter huh! I'm a girl! It's really weird! :P

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