Tuesday, December 30, 2008

christmas wish

Whew! Just one more day and it's new year! Time flies really fast, so fast i can't keep track. Anyways, how's your Christmas holidays guys? I hope everyone had a happy and meaningful one. As for myself, i spent Christmas eve away from home - for the first time ever in my life. :D I always, always try to be home for Christmas but this year i spent it otherwise. I spent it with some good old friends somewhere. (I'll tell you the whereabouts when i have the photos :P) Anyhow, i was back on December 25 noon, so it's still Christmas :) As to my subject, i could always wish for good health for everyone in the family but practicality wise, i wish for a life insurance quote from Wholesale Insurance for everyone. We can never tell what's going to happen but this would at least help.

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