Nice blue skies, nice view, nice picture - but this picture could have been greater if i don't have that spare tire to pair with. Waahhh! I'm so much annoyed by that excess muscle around my waistline. I think it's high time i should get myself some
corsets especially if i'm wearing a dress. It should help me tuck those unwanted fats. Really, i'm not your very vain friend but sometimes it's really annoying if you don't get to wear all that you like. It can get stressful thinking about it you know, lol! I don't want to look thin, i don't want to look slim. I just wanted this bulging tummy be slimmer. I should poke myself! All i do is complain but never get my lazy butt to do some exercise. I should do something! Hmmnnn...
asus madame .. unsa bay love handles ba??? wa pa ka kita ug unsay dagway sa love handles lol...
Irel - nah, sus muhiyak ra ko kung naa camera, awa ug wala, gabusdik ra ang agi sa tiyan nako! lol!
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