Saturday, January 17, 2009

employee health and safety

I used to be one of the 5S auditors in the office. 5S is the Japanese concept for House Keeping. 1.) Sort (Seiri) 2.) Straighten (Seiton) 3.) Shine (Seiso) 4.) Standardize (Seiketsu) 5.) Sustain (Shitsuke) I'm not working for a Japanese firm but we are adopting it. I think it's just right because it somehow makes sure that the employees are working in a safety environment. Not directly, but the principle behind it encompasses the word safe. Say, i'm checking the laboratory - i have to make sure that everyone inside is wearing the safety equipment nor all the wirings are properly bonded nor the top of cabinets are free from falling objects. Things like these i think should be properly monitored and implemented so that the employees' health and safety is rightly addressed. Not that i wanted to become an auditor again because it's kinda tiring. I'm just saying... :P

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